India on Friday extended the ban on international commercial passenger flights till August 31. Actress Rhea Chakraborty releases emotional video message. Sushant Singh Rajput's father filed an FIR earlier this week against Rhea Chakraborty, accusing her of transferring money from his account and also mentally harassing him. Enforcement Directorate has lodged a money laundering case against Rhea Chakraborty and her family members. Sushant Singh Rajput's family had accused Rhea of taking Rs 15 crore from the late actor. Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti under detention since August 5 last year has been booked under the stringent Public Safety Act for another three months. At least 21 people have died in several districts of Punjab allegedly after consuming toxic liquor, prompting Chief Minister Amarinder Singh to order a high-level probe. Delhi Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal on Friday rejected two moves by the Arvind Kejriwal government as part of the third phase of easing the COVID-19 lockdown.